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Piano Lessons Chattanooga


  • KMS provides an individual-needs based approach to teaching. 

  • Regardless of age, individuals play differently, think differently, progress differently, and must therefore be taught in a way that resounds with the student.

Image by Shayan Bemanian
Playing Piano


  • Our goal is to provide a thorough and fun approach to music that aligns with the student's interests.

  • All skills and ages are welcome!



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Contact Us


423-299-KEYS (5397)


Mon. 1:30pm - 8:30pm

Tue. 4:30pm - 9pm

Wed. 4:30pm - 9pm

Thu. 9am - 9pm

Fri. 2:30 - 9pm

Electric Piano

Recital Attendee / Parent

We enjoyed listening to your students play at their recital today. 
My child is so lucky to have you as a piano teacher.  Your enthusiasm for music and your students talent is so apparent and it was a joy to listen to you and your students. 
We look forward to seeing
him perform again!  Thank you for a wonderful afternoon. 

Former Student

Hi Kristy, I just wanted to let you know that I played through the rest of the Chopin nocturne and finished it and it felt SO good. It was not perfect but it was really darn good for not playing it in 10 years or so! I also played the first page so musically and emotionally. I'm getting better!!!!!!! I'm so thankful to have you as a teacher. 

Current Parent of Student

Myla just came upstairs dancing, put her fists up in the air, and said "Piano is Amazing!!!". I am grateful for such a terrific teacher! 

Words from our Clients

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